Membership Application And Renewal Process

How to Apply For Membership

  1. Review the requirements of the membership category you wish to apply for here .

  2. Pay the corresponding non-refundable application fee.

  3. Fill out the membership application of the corresponding membership category.*

  4. Await approval from the Membership, Accreditation and Certification Committee (MACC) that vets all applications.**

  5. Once approved, pay the membership fee.

  6. You will receive your Membership Certificate via email.

* Student and Associate Membership are the only membership levels open to new applicants.
**Note that
MACC meets once a month to vet applications.

How to Renew Membership

  1. Reference the required fee on or before your renewal date based on your membership category.

  2. Select your preferred payment method.

  3. Share your proof of payment to the Secretariat via email at, or send an SMS or WhatsApp to 0716 503520.

  4. You will then receive acknowledgment of payment via email.

Membership Fee Structure

Application Fee: Kshs. 500 for students and Kshs. 1,000 for professionals*

Annual membership subscription:

Kshs. 1,000 Student Member
Kshs. 2,500
Associate Member
Kshs. 3,500
Full Member
Kshs. 6,000
Fellow Member

*Application fee is non-refundable

Payment Methods

We accept payment via MPESA or directly to our bank account as below*

  1. Mpesa Paybill: 859096   Account Number: Your Name as per national identification
  2. Bank deposit either cash, cheque or bank transfer.

Account Name: Tourism Professional Association
Account No: 0550270579577
Bank: Equity – Westlands Branch

*Proof of payment should be sent to the Secretariat via

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